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Phonics is the exploration of sounds in our language and their graphemes (written symbols), that allow us to develop our vocabulary in both oral and written formats.
Aides in the sounds to spelling relationships OR reading to writing.
Phonics deals with GRAPHEMES and their SOUNDS
PHONE - word orgin is Greek for sound or voice.
Think: telephon (tele = distance + phone = sound)
C - Grapheme - makes the sound...
A - Grapheme - makes the sound...
T - Grapheme - makes the sound
Phonics and Phonemic Awarenes are both required (working together) for DECODING!
Sounds in spoken words: oral tasks - the sounds that you hear.
PHONEMIC awareness is needed for PHONICS work...
Remember, our initial learning of our native language stems from ORAL communication from the day we were born!
C- A- T - can students recognise EACH sound?
This approach is part of the CHUNKING decoding strategy,
Do you know 'B,I.N.G.O'?
Sing the LONG (letter name) and SHORT (initial sounds) vowel sounds to the tune of B,I.N.G.O
Foam Activity
Vocabulary programmes can include
Some of the following are common – generic Vocabulary Instruction strategies, others are programmes that explicitly teach elements of Vocabulary exploration:
1. Oral language skills - students have a bank of vocabulary, even before attending school...
2. Phonemic Awareness - . (ability to hear that a spoken word - the link between oral language and written work)
3. Phonics learning the graphemes (letter representations, and the phonemes, sounds). ...
4. Spelling
5. Decoding strategies - via the READING programme – which are used when breaking down words (analysing) – e.g. understanding MORPHEMES (free and bound (prefixes and suffixes))
6. Clarify – looked at via the READING programme (Vocabulary exploration is part of this strategy, which requires students to find out definitions of words)
7. Sentences to Paragraph – Analysing parts of speech is also part of Vocabulary building strategies
I think it goes without saying that READING & WRITING are the most important aspect of continued vocabulary development.
Please note, the QUALITY of reading and writing materials is important to explore and extend a student’s vocabulary bank.
DOWNLOAD the Vocabulary Activities and Approaches, including PowerPoint resources
Approach 1 - For this approach, I've utilised Marzano's 6 steps. You can clearly see the correlation between his steps and Frayer's model - generic elements of a vocabulary programme
I utilise metacognitive and mnemonic (memory) devices (see image above Spelling section), as an embedded element in all my programmes, these approaches can help you connect elements and concepts in the larger scheme of things.
Check out my In the DITCH
I've included SIGHT WORDS under the Vocabulary section
Words known ORALLY...demonstrate the true depth of vocabulary acquisition.
This is where your VOCABULARY KNOWLEDGE may not be evident to your teacher, when tasks are often written.
The aim is to PRACTISE spelling the vocabulary words you know, so that you can communicate, on paper, you true capabilities...
This is why I have included, PHONICS, SPELLING & VOCABULARY on the one page!
I've included sight words under the Vocabulary heading, as new vocabulary words, when learned, and utilised by students, eventually become sight words!
Download the resources
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